Help (Paged) out!

We appreciate any help from you - the members of our community! In fact, we don't think this project could succeed without your help. :)

Note: if you would like to support us financially, you can check this page instead.

There are several ways you can help us out - here are some examples:

  • First and foremost, we're always looking for authors! Perhaps you would like to write an article for the next issue of Paged Out!? If you do, send it to us at
  • On the same note - maybe you know someone who might want to write an article for us? Could you ask them? Or send them here
  • Secondly - read Paged Out!, and if you like it (and only if you do) recommend it to your friends who might like it too, write about it on your blog, twitter, instagram, or other social media. The more people learn about Paged Out!, the more likely it is to succeed (and everyone gets a free stream of short high-tech articles, now that's a win-win situation!).
  • If you make recordings or have a podcast, *some* (but not all) of Paged Out! articles are published on licenses that permit turning them into a recording (think: folks with vision impairment - we sadly expect our PDFs to be a pain for screen readers; but also think: cool podcasts). Select an article with an appropriate license, record it, publish it, and send us a link! And be sure to credit the original author of course, and to describe in detail all images that are in the article as well (we hope to provide more recording guidelines in the future).
  • If you like designing layouts, you can also help by creating layout templates for authors to use for various technologies and various styles (see Writing Articles for details on page/font/etc. requirements).
  • We are be looking for more reviewers/editors - if you're good with words, know your way around tech, and have some free time on your hands, reach out to us at! And be sure to check out our info for potential reviewers.
  • And finally, follow us on Social Media for news, updates, and to support us.
  • Or join Gynvael's Discord with channels dedicated to Paged Out!